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About One World

One World GTM is a scaling software and data company specialising in digitalising supply chains for the benefit of people, planet and profit.

Our Vision

Sustainable supply chains for the benefit of people, planet and profit.

Our Mission

To empower supply chains through management of the product ecosystem to promote trust and optimisation, from cradle to cradle.

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Our Values

What it means to be a One Worldian

As One Worldians, we are more than employees; we are passionate team players for change, dedicated to our Mission. Through collaboration, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to our values, we strive to lead the way in sustainable supply chain management, making a difference where it truly counts.


At the core of our company lies a profound passion for our mission to empower supply chains and optimise the product ecosystem. Our enthusiasm and dedication fuel a culture of innovation and drive us to exceed expectations. We are not just committed to our goals; we are deeply in love with what we do, making passion the heartbeat of our business.


We place immense value on the relationships and connections we build, treating customers, partners, employees, and communities with the utmost care and respect. Our operations are guided by kindness, inclusivity, and a supportive attitude, ensuring that we serve and interact with all stakeholders thoughtfully and with their best interests at heart.


Integrity is the foundation of our actions. We are dedicated to honesty, transparency, and reliability in all our dealings, fostering an environment where openness is encouraged. Our commitment to doing the right thing at all times builds confidence and trust among our stakeholders, making us a reliable partner in the supply chain ecosystem.


Innovation is woven into the fabric of our company. We are constantly looking ahead, seeking out creative and effective solutions to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. By attracting and nurturing inventive talent, we ensure that our approaches not only add value to the supply chain but also keep us at the forefront of our industry.


In a world that is ever-changing, our ability to quickly respond and adjust to new information, challenges, and market needs is paramount. We embrace change with open arms, always on the lookout for better and more efficient ways to achieve our goals. Our adaptability ensures we remain relevant and capable of leading the way in empowering supply chains from cradle to cradle.

One World GTM

Why we’re different

Originally founded in 2010, we’ve grown within GB Global, a group of 89 companies, with 100’s of years’ worth of combined global trade experience. Our operational understanding of the supply chain has provided us with the insight required to build a portfolio of highly configurable stack solutions.

Each of our stacks aligns to specific activities and categories within the supply chain. No matter what problem you’re trying to solve our One World GTM platform has the tools you need to solve it.

Digitalising Supply Chains

We are digitalising supply chains across the entire product ecosystem. Automating what is not currently automated and measuring what isn’t measured, using the latest technology tools.


We measure everything in the product ecosystem, including the world’s physical products and their interaction with global trade. This allows us to accurately evaluate impact, resulting in more sustainable business decision making. Benefiting people, planet and profit.

Risk Mitigation

We don’t just make your supply chain visible. We give the control needed to mitigate risk before it happens and create the supply chains of the future.

No Code Technology

The One Word GTM platform is highly configurable to fit the unique needs of each customer. Within our portfolio of stack solutions and a vast range of possible services we can seamlessly align to even the most complex supply chains.

Product Ecosystem

We empower supply chains through the management and optimisation of the product ecosystem. This means enhancing processes across the world’s physical products and their interaction with global trade. 

Seamless Collaboration

Our collaboration platform connects people and processes across the supply chain, allowing uninterrupted integration across the digital ecosystem.

Take control of your supply chain today for the benefit of people, planet and profit

Get in touch if you need to bring your supply chain into the future, reduce risk and improve your sustainability. We can arm you with the control and visibility you need to make your supply chain your competitive edge. Help us build a better future, together.

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Eliminate risk
Centralise data
Get sustainable